Browsing AQD Books and Book Chapters by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 123
The ACIAR-BFAR Rinconada Lakes project: Improving fish culture practices for sustainability and profitability
(Ocean Press, 2011)An ACIAR-funded project was conducted in the Rinconada Lakes area of the Bicol Region in the Philippines to improve fish cage management by fish farmers not only to improve economic returns but also to reduce the negative ... -
Aeration system at the Tigbauan Research Station of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Aquaculture Department (SEAFDEC/AQD)
(ASEAN/UNDP/FAO Regional Small Scale Coastal Fisheries Development Project, 1986)Roots blowers are used to meet aeration requirements at the Tigbauan Research Station (TRS) of the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department in Iloilo. Air is delivered through a system of PVC pipes and plastic tubing attached to air ... -
Alternative feeding strategies to improve milkfish production efficiency in the Philippines
(AquaFish Collaborative Research Support Program, Oregon State University, 2010)In the Philippines, cage culture of milkfish in marine environments is increasing. The practice uses high stocking densities, with significantly greater inputs of artificial feeds which more often than not, has led to ... -
Amino and fatty acid profiles of wild-sourced grouper (Epinephelus coioides) broodstock and larvae
(Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, 2004)This study was undertaken to provide information on the levels of amino acids in the muscle, liver and gonad of wild-sourced broodstock and larvae, as well as in neurula eggs and day 35 larvae from a hatchery. The fatty ... -
Analysis of small-scale coastal aquaculture in the Philippines
(Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, 2007)We studied the influence of the development of aquaculture in the Philippines on the local economy, focusing on coastal fishers in two towns in Capiz and Iloilo, Panay Island, Philippines. Coastal residents in the two towns ... -
Analysis of the sustainability of extensive and intensive methods in brackish water fishpond culture primarily producing shrimp in three Southeast Asian countries
(Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, 2006)This study is an investigation of the aquaculture methods used in brackish water fishpond culture mainly producing shrimp in the Philippines, Thailand and Malaysia. Extensive methods are practiced in the Philippines and ... -
Apocynaceae: Cerbera odollam Gaertn.: Maráibai
(Green Convergence, 2018) -
Apparent digestibility of selected feed ingredients in diets for grouper (Epinephelus coioides) juveniles
(Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, 2004)This study was conducted to determine the quality of selected feed ingredients as protein sources in grouper diets, based on their nutrient composition and apparent digestibility coefficients for dry matter (ADMD) and crude ... -
(Academic Press, 2013)Biophysical impacts of aquaculture, with consequences for biodiversity, vary with species and culture systems and include issues such as: nutrient enrichment/removal, chemicals, land use, species introductions, genetic ... -
(Elsevier, 2001)Aquaculture, the aquatic counterpart of agriculture, has grown rapidly in recent decades to become one of the most important means of obtaining food from the sea. Impacts of aquaculture on biodiversity arise from the ... -
Aquaculture economics in Asia and the Pacific: A regional assessment
(Rome: FAO, 1997)A broad overview is given of research and information on aquaculture economics in Asia and the Pacific. Following a description of the general state of aquaculture in the region, an examination is made of the available ... -
Aquifoliaceae: Ilex cymosa Blume: Páit
(Green Convergence, 2018) -
Arachidonic acid distribution in mangrove organisms in the Philippines, Malaysia and Japan
(Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, 2006)There has been little information on the importance of arachidonic acid (20:4n-6, ArA) in fish and other aquatic animals, although the importance of eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3, EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3, ... -
Arachidonic acid distribution in seaweed, seagrass, invertebrates and dugong in coral reef areas in the Philippines
(Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, 2007)Arachidonic acid (ArA) was not a minor component, and ArA distributes widely in coral reef organisms. Seagrass had high linoleic acid and linolenic acid levels with low Ara, EPA and DHA levels, while some species of seaweed ... -
Arachidonic acid enrichment of rotifers and effects of dietary arachidonic acid on broodstock performance of rabbitfish Siganus guttatus
(Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, 2006)Rotifers (Brachionus sp.) were cultured with various combinations of baker’s yeast, Nannochloropsis sp., Culture selco, and DHAPS with or without supplementation of arachidonic acid (triacylglycerol form). Rotifers were ... -
Arachidonic acid is a major fatty acid in gonads of coral reef fishes and improves larval survival of rabbitfish Sigunus gutattus
(Nova Science Publishers, 2016)The supply of wild fry of coral reef fishes for aquaculture has resulted in the deterioration of their natural stock status, causing public concern. Through a series of studies on the establishment of artificial-fry ... -
Arecaceae: Metroxylon sagu Rottb.: Ságo palm
(Green Convergence, 2018) -
Assessment of the seaweeds industry
(Department of Science and Technology and United Nations Development Programme, 1995) -
Basis for a blue revolution?
(International Development Research Centre, 1979)In 1977, scientists at the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Centre (SEAFDEC) in the Philippines became the first anywhere to succeed in breeding milkfish (Chanos chanos) in captivity. The advance was made possible by ... -
Biology and ecology
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1988)A review is made of current information on Penaeus monodon covering various aspects, including taxonomy, morphology, distribution, bionomics and life history. Reproduction, embryonic development, larval stages, spawning, ...