An incidence of swimbladder stress syndrome in hatchery-reared sea bass (Lates calcarifer) larvae
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This paper describes an incidence of swimbladder malfunction causing high positive buoyancy and mass mortality in 2-week-old sea bass (Lates calcarifer) larvae reared in an outdoor hatchery tank under conditions of high ambient temperature (26–32°C) and salinity (32–34‰), and a dense diatom bloom. The problem occurred soon after handling the larvae by seine and bucket, and seemed to have been a case of swimbladder stress syndrome (SBSS). The development of the swimbladder in sea bass larvae is briefly described.
Contribution No. 166 from the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department.
Bagarinao, T., & Kungvankij, P. (1986). An incidence of swimbladder stress syndrome in hatchery-reared sea bass (Lates calcarifer) larvae. Aquaculture , 51(3-4), 181-188.
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