Thyroxine injection of female rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus) broodstock: changes in thyroid hormone levels in plasma, eggs, and yolk-sac larvae, and its effect on larval growth and survival

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The thyroid hormone levels in female rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus, plasma, eggs, and yolk-sac larvae were measured before and after thyroxine (T4) injection in female spawners at doses of 1, 10, and 100 μg T4/g body weight (BW) fish. T4 and triiodothyronine (T3) levels in maternal plasma, eggs, and yolk-sac larvae were elevated following T4 administration. Apparently, there is conversion of T4 into T3 in the broodfish which suggests the presence of the enzyme, 5′-monodeiodinase, in rabbitfish. T4 and T3 in maternal circulation were easily transferred into the oocytes and subsequently into the larvae. Larvae from spawners treated with 10 and 100 μg T4/g BW tended to be longer and showed sornewhat better survival compared to the control and those injected with 1 μg T4/g BW 7 days after hatching. These findings suggest that thyroid hormones may play an important role during early larval development of rabbitfish.
Suggested Citation
Ayson, F. G., & Lam, T. J. (1993). Thyroxine injection of female rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus) broodstock: changes in thyroid hormone levels in plasma, eggs, and yolk-sac larvae, and its effect on larval growth and survival. Aquaculture , 109(1), 83-93.
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- AQD Journal Articles [1246]