Vaccination of European sea bass fry through bioencapsulation of Artemia nauplii
European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) fry vaccinated orally via bioencapsulation in Artemia nauplii or by bath method exhibited better performance than control fish in terms of growth, food conversion and resistance to stress. The comparable survival between vaccinated and non-vaccinated animals suggests that vaccination methods are not stressful. The present study shows that oral vaccination can be used to enhance growth in fish fry.
Suggested Citation
Chair, M., Gapasin, R. S. J., Dehasque, M., & Sorgeloos, P. (1994). Vaccination of European sea bass fry through bioencapsulation of Artemia nauplii. Aquaculture International , 2(4), 254-261.
- AQD Journal Articles [1246]