Effects of different illumination levels on zooplankton abundance, feeding periodicity, growth and survival of the Asian sea bass, Lates calcarifer (Bloch), fry in illuminated floating nursery cages

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The effects of different illumination levels on Zooplankton abundance and feeding periodicity, growth and survival of hatchery-produced Asian sea bass, Lates calcarifer, fry in illuminated floating net cages were determined in a 35-day experiment. Zooplankton abundance (consisting mainly of copepods at 64–78% of total abundance in all cages) was highest in cages illuminated at 180 lx (mean: 124 individuals l−1) and at 300 lx (mean: 405 individuals l−1) and peaked at 0400. High prey densities subsequently resulted in increased fish feeding as evidenced by the greatest number of prey (mean: 416–462 individuals fish−1) found in their guts between 0400 and 0800. Feeding incidence (range: 84–89%) was generally higher among fish held in illuminated cages than those reared in dark cages (67%). Low feeding of fish held in dark cages eventually led to starvation and mass mortality. The present results indicate that a light intensity of at least 300 lx attracts the highest number of zooplankton and promotes the best weight specific growth rate (10% day−1) and survival (40%) in sea bass juveniles reared in illuminated nursery cages.
Fermin, A. C., & Seronay, G. A. (1997). Effects of different illumination levels on zooplankton abundance, feeding periodicity, growth and survival of the Asian sea bass, Lates calcarifer (Bloch), fry in illuminated floating nursery cages. Aquaculture , 157(3-4), 227-237. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0044-8486(97)00167-1
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- AQD Journal Articles [1246]
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