Does age matter?: The information-seeking behavior of Filipino aquaculture researchers

ຄົ້ນຫາ / ເປີດ
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Findings of previous studies revealed that regardless of the objective, age does affect the information-seeking behavior of an individual. Likewise, this study found the same results. Although all of the younger Filipino aquaculture researchers preferred the Internet to begin their search process, it was found that they were more frequent library users, and more reliant on librarians than their older counterparts. Likewise, they preferred the combination of print and electronic formats when reading. Thus, they would print and save the retrieved electronic copy of information at least very often. The study is a valuable addition to the information-seeking behavior studies on Filipinos, and the first to tackle the effects of age on the information-seeking behavior of Filipino aquaculture researchers.
Suggested Citation
Superio, D. (2018). Does age matter?: The information-seeking behavior of Filipino aquaculture researchers. Journal of Library Administration , 58(4), 382-393.
- AQD Journal Articles [1246]
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