The application of HACCP in the fish processing industry in Southeast Asia, 2000-2003: Lao PDR

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Lao PDR is a landlocked country of 236,800 square km, bordered by Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand and China. Relatively isolated, Lao PDR has a high degree of geographic, cultural and language diversity. Around 83% of the country is classified as rural area, thus agriculture is still considered as the major industry in Lao PDR, contributing around 50.3% of the country GDP in 2002. Livestock sub sector contributed more than 18% of the National GDP and fishery sub sector contributed around 35% of GDP as part of livestock sub sector. [Extract]
Suggested Citation
Chayavong, S. (2003). Lao PDR. In S. E. Yeap & I. Hariono (Eds.), The Application of HACCP in the Fish Processing Industry in Southeast Asia 2000-2003 (pp. 26-29). Singapore: Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.
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