Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • An overview of agricultural pollution in the Philippines: Summary report 

      Magcale-Macandog, Damasa B.; Briones, Roehlano; Calub, Arsenio D.; Saludes, Ronaldo B.; Cuvin-Aralar, Maria Lourdes; Salvacion, Arnold; Tabing, Erick Voltaire P.; Paraiso, Patricia Mae J.; Ricafort, Carl H.; Silapan, Iana Mariene A.; Quiñones, Sarena Grace L.; Estadola, Rizza V. (World Bank, 2016)
      The 'study' constitutes the totality of the work and includes multiple components, including national overviews of agricultural pollution for the three focus countries, thematic working papers, and an overall synthesis ...